Viktoria Petruk
Katedry Pedagogiki Społecznej oraz Pedagogiki Wyższej Szkoły
Wschodnioeuropejskiego Uniwersytetu Narodowego imienia Łesi Ukrainki doktor nauk pedagogicznych, docent (m. Łuck, Ukraina)
Anotation. For young people (youth) value-oriented activity of their consciousness, search for the meaning of life, self-identification of all or at least the main moral, aesthetic, political ideals are in the first place. Being on the threshold of social maturity, youth is characterized by the search and choice of goals, life perspectives and ways and means of their realization. There continues to rise the role of out of family communication, mass-media as important sources of knowledge, values, ethics, goals and behaviour. Belonging to a wider range of ethnic and cultural values leads to the appearance of new needs, value orientations and directions associated with general social conditions.
The distinctive quality of cultural youth leisure is emotional colouring, the existence of bringing into each possibility the opportunity to do favourite things, meet interesting people, visit places significant for them, be the participants of important events.
Youth leisure lays in young man/woman such habits and skills which will later fully define his/her attitude to free time. Just at this stage of a person‘s life the individual style of leisure and rest is produced, the first experience of organizing the free time is gained, the commitment to this or that occupation appears .
In the early years there determines the principle of organizing and spending free time - creative or vice versa.
One person will be enticed by journeys, the other – by fishing, the third – by invention, the fourth – by various entertainment.
Keywords: For young people (youth) value-oriented activity of their consciousness, search for the meaning of life, self-identification of all or at least the main moral, aesthetic, political ideals are in the first place. Being on the threshold of social maturity, youth is characterized by the search and choice of goals, life perspectives and ways and means of their realization. There continues to rise the role of out of family communication, mass-media as important sources of knowledge, values, ethics, goals and behaviour. Belonging to a wider range of ethnic and cultural values leads to the appearance of new needs, value orientations and directions associated with general social conditions.
The distinctive quality of cultural youth leisure is emotional colouring, the existence of bringing into each possibility the opportunity to do favourite things, meet interesting people, visit places significant for them, be the participants of important events.
Youth leisure lays in young man/woman such habits and skills which will later fully define his/her attitude to free time. Just at this stage of a person‘s life the individual style of leisure and rest is produced, the first experience of organizing the free time is gained, the commitment to this or that occupation appears .
In the early years there determines the principle of organizing and spending free time - creative or vice versa.
One person will be enticed by journeys, the other – by fishing, the third – by invention, the fourth – by various entertainment.